Articles and Periodicals

Competition and Cartel Leniency 2012

Practical Law Multi-Jurisdictional Guide: Competition and Cartel Leniency 2012

Periodical by Gönenç Gürkaynak

Practical Law Company, 2012

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Published on:
March 2012

Restrictions Against Providing Benefit to Public Officials

Restrictions Against Providing Benefit to Public Officials in Turkish Legal System - A Special Case: Health Personnel

Article by Gönenç Gürkaynak, Esq, Ç. Olgu Kama and Ceren Yıldız

Mondaq, March 22, 2012

Published on:
March 2012

The Amendment of Land Registry Law and Cadastre Law

The Draft Law on the Amendment of Land Registry Law and Cadastre Law

Article by Gönenç Gürkaynak, Ç. Olgu Kama and Gözde Kitapcı

Mondaq, March 9, 2012 

Related professionals:
Published on:
March 2012

GTDT: Anti-Corruption Regulation 2012

Getting the Deal Through: Anti-Corruption Regulation 2012

Periodical by Gönenç Gürkaynak and Ç. Olgu Kama

Law Business Research Limited, February 2012 (published in February, 2012; contributing editor: Homer E Moyer Jr, Miller & Chevalier Chartered).

Related professionals:
Published on:
February 2012

GTDT: Cartel Regulation 2012

Getting the Deal Through: Cartel Regulation 2012

Periodical by Gönenç Gürkaynak and K. Korhan Yıldırım

Law Business Research Limited, February 2012

Published on:
February 2012

Predatory Pricing Allegation

Competition Board Withdraws Predatory Pricing Allegation

Article by Gönenç Gürkaynak

International Law Office, January 2012

Related professionals:
Published on:
January 2012

Data Protection and Privacy - Jurisdictional Comparisons

The European Lawyer: Data Protection and Privacy - Jurisdictional Comparisons

Periodical by Gönenç Gürkaynak, İlay Yılmaz and Ceren Yıldız

Thomson Reuters, January 2012

Related professionals:
Published on:
January 2012

Data Protection & Privacy – Jurisdictional Comparisons

Article by Gönenç Gürkaynak, İlay Yılmaz and Ceren Yıldız

The European Lawyer Ref. Series, January 2012 

Published on:
January 2012

White Collar Irregularities of Employees under Turkish Law and the Role of Codes of Conduct

Article by Gönenç Gürkaynak, Ç. Olgu Kama and Tuna Tanık

Legal Labour Law and Social Security Law Bulletin, Legal Publishing, Volume: 9, Issue: 33, January-February-March 2012, p. 175 - 193 

Related professionals:
Published on:
January 2012

GTDT: Dominance 2012

Getting the Deal Through: Dominance 2012

Periodical by Gönenç Gürkaynak

Law Business Research Limited, December 2011; Reproduced with permission from Law Business Research Ltd. This article was first published in Getting the Deal Through: Dominance 2012, (published in December, 2011; contributing editors Thomas Janssens and Thomas Wessely, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer). For further information please visit

Related professionals:
Published on:
December 2011
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