Articles and Periodicals

Turkish Constitutional Court Rules That the On-Site-Inspections by the Turkish Competition Authority Without a Court Warrant Violates the Immunity of Domicile

Article by Dr. Gönenç Gürkaynak, Harun Gündüz and Can Yıldırım

Mondaq, June 22, 2023

Published on:
June 2023

Concurrences e-Competitions News Issue, June 2023

"The Turkish Competition Authority dismisses restrictions of online sales via third party platforms (BSH)"

Article by Dr. Gönenç Gürkaynak, Kağan Uçar, Uzay Görkem Yıldız and Göksu Kıribrahim, Concurrences e-Competitions News Issue, June 2023

Published on:
June 2023

Turkish Antitrust: An overview of national case law

Foreword by Dr. Gönenç Gürkaynak and Onur Özgümüş

e-Competitions Special Issue Turkish Antitrust Case Laws e-Bulletin, Concurrences, May 31, 2023

Published on:
May 2023

Analysis by Turkish Competition Board of non-full function joint ventures in recent individual exemption decision

Article by Dr. Gönenç Gürkaynak, Ebru İnce, Cansu İnce and Petek Güven

ILO Competition & Antitrust Newsletter, May 18, 2023

Related professionals:
Published on:
May 2023
Three Smoking Guns at Two Different Levels of Distribution: Turkish Competition Board Settled with Small Home Appliances Suppliers in a Resale Price Maintenance Case

Article by Dr. Gönenç Gürkaynak, Fırat Eğrilmez and Can Baran Beder

Mondaq, May 18, 2023

Related professionals:
Published on:
May 2023

Concurrences e-Competitions News Issue, May 2023

"The Turkish Competition Authority approves a household appliances manufacturer’s commitment package regarding online sales restrictions in a split decision (Arçelik)" 

Article by Dr. Gönenç Gürkaynak, Berfu Akgün, Zeynep Ayata Aydoğan and Simay Demir, Concurrences e-Competitions News Issue, May 2023

Published on:
May 2023

The Legal 500: Cartels Country Comparative Guides 2023 - Turkey

Periodical by Gönenç Gürkaynak, Esq. and Harun Gündüz

The Legal 500, April 2023

Published on:
May 2023
The DPA Decision Allowing Employers to Monitor, Access and Store Employees’ Corporate E-Mails

Article by Dr. Gönenç Gürkaynak, Ceren Yıldız, Yasemin Doğan and Derya Başaran

Mondaq, May 3, 2023

Related professionals:
Published on:
May 2023
Global Legal Insights: Cartels 11th Edition

Periodical by Gönenç Gürkaynak and Öznur İnanılır

Global Legal Group, April 2023; This article appeared in the 11th Edition of Global Legal Insights: Cartels; published by Global Legal Group Ltd, London

Published on:
April 2023
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