Speeches & Publications
Legal and Economic Analyses on the ‘Presumption of Concerted Practice
Article by Gönenç Gürkaynak and Dr. İzak Atiyas
Turkish Competition Authority Press, Ankara, June 2006
Presumption of Concerted Practice: A Legal and Economic Analysis
Speech by Gönenç Gürkaynak with Dr. İzak Atiyas
A Critical Approach to the Current Handling of Agreements, Concerted Practices and Decisions – Abuses of Dominant Position
Discussions on the Draft Law Amending Law No.4054 on the Protection of Competition: A Critical Approach to the Current Handling of Agreements, Concerted Practices and Decisions – Abuses of Dominant Position
Article by Gönenç Gürkaynak
Ankara University Faculty of Law, The Research Institute of Banking and Commercial Law Press, Ankara, February 2006
Amendment in the Turkish Competition Law
Major Judicial Set Back on Turkish Competition Board Decisions Concerning Investigations Leads to an Amendment in the Turkish Competition Law
Article by Gönenç Gürkaynak
Mondaq, July 25, 2005
Settlement between the Commission and Enterprises in EC Competition Law Practice
Article by Gönenç Gürkaynak
Competition Journal, the Turkish Competition Authority Press, the Turkish Competition Authority, Issue: 17, January – February - March 2004 , Ankara, July 2005, p. 35-76
Türkiye Barolar Birliği Avrupa Birliği Hukuku ve Avrupa Kurumları Sempozyumu
Av. Gönenç Gürkaynak, Selçuk Demirbulak
Turkey, Turkish Competition Law, Competition Lawyer, Turkish Competition Authority, Turkish Competition Firm, Turkish Competition Lawyer, Article, Gonenc Gurkaynak, Competition Law Firm, antitrust, merger control
Article, gonenc Gurkaynak, Turkish corporate law, law firm in Turkey, commercial law
Article, gonenc Gurkaynak, Turkish law firm, anti-corruption Turkey, white collar Turkey
Article, gonenc Gurkaynak, Turkish law firm, IT LAw, Turkish IT Law, Data Privacy
Potential Impact of EU Accession to Turkish Legal Profession
Speech by Gönenç Gürkaynak
A Comparison of the EC and Turkish Competition Law Systems After Modernization
Speech by Gönenç Gürkaynak
Turkey, Turkish Competition Law, Competition Lawyer, Turkish Competition Authority, Turkish Competition Firm, Turkish Competition Lawyer, Article, Gonenc Gurkaynak, Competition Law Firm, antitrust, merger control
Article, gonenc Gurkaynak, Turkish corporate law, law firm in Turkey, commercial law
Article, gonenc Gurkaynak, Turkish law firm, anti-corruption Turkey, white collar Turkey
Article, gonenc Gurkaynak, Turkish law firm, IT LAw, Turkish IT Law, Data Privacy
Foundation of Merger Control
Foundation of Merger Control: Thoughts on Why? And How?
Article by Gönenç Gürkaynak
Conference on the “Competition Policy and Control of the Concentrations”, The Turkish Competition Authority, September 2004
Merger Control in Competition Law
Merger Control in Competition Law: Thoughts on Why? And How?
Article by Gönenç Gürkaynak
Turkish Competition Authority, September 2004